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Dolly Parton is a long time collector of Paul Murray’s – 1987 Click on image to see full story

Dolly & Paul Murray
Dolly Parton 1987 receiving her new original “Smoky Mountain Memories”

Dolly Parton original pastel email dolly parton - email details from -Smokies mtn memories- 1987 by Paul Murray Dolly was a tremendous help to a young man who really didn’t fit in anywhere. He took inspiration and support from Dolly Parton and her story. As a young child she believed in herself enough to follow her dreams. Paul Murray followed her as he fell in love with the people of Appalachia. Here is a special relationship that was between two souls, and because of this and help with a few others. The fate of a young man who always only wanted one thing! “To paint the depth of the soul and share what is truly special about our people, their past. To capture their wise ways and peaceful hearts, so to give you a work of art that enlightens your day. To share his art so to give back to those in need.” The world is a magnificent place.
Support a dream and help our history be held high, and those who need help be lifted to a better place. 
Buy a Paul Murray. His art is an endlessly giving gift. Kati-Jane 865-436-8445 /0519-377-7979


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Warren Rossi

    My wife and I love your work! We have a couple of “Red” pieces in our home! Your artwork always captures and carries you to “that” time! I’m ready for more!!!

  2. Mary D Stevens

    I love The Appalaçhian Culture..Built with Love and Compassion and Togetherness.. Paul–I Love Your Art..

  3. Mary D Stevens

    I love your Appalachia art
    Paul…even straw trucks..

  4. Keith & Suzanne Douglas

    We Love All You Have Done & Continue Doing!
    Your Paintings Touch Our Hearts & Speaks To Our Souls!

  5. Lauren Teevan

    I am looking to sell my mothers collection of Paul Murray works from Mirrored Souls my mother purchased in the late 80 s. Please let me know by email if interested.

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